Where do I sign?

I am writing in relation to the WKDI wire service. I feel the credibility of WKDI is an important factor in the station’s opportunity to acquire the FM frequency. The UPI service can only add to this credibility. There are enough people in northern Illinois who enjoy progressive/alternative music to make the station successful and profitable. At this point, the only other station offering such quality music is WXRT in Chicago—a station which is hard to pick up here at NIU.

I speak for plenty of people when I say I’m sick of the top 40 $#*! offered by the local radio stations. I find it refreshing to listen to ‘KDI’s format. It offers the best variety of progressive music in the area. I can only see advantages in getting ‘KDI on the air. I realize the UPI service won’t guarantee FM entry, but it surely would help.

I support you, ‘KDI, and would be glad to sign your petition.

Edgar Smith


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