Calls for boycott

It’s come to my attention that Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity promoted itself as a pious organization by sponsoring a Christmas party for underprivileged children. While this is a commendable project, I see a conflict with the fact that this same organization recently sponsored a triple X-rated pornographic film to raise money to purchase new furniture.

How can an organization which purports to address a social injustice contribute to another? Documented research supports the existence of a definite link between pornography and sexual violence toward women and children. Pornography reinforces and elicits aggressive behavior not only during the showing of these films, but also after the spectator leaves. Sexual violence and aggression are not normal behaviors and should not be portrayed as such.

If we want to consider ourselves as being concerned with humanity and social problems, let’s not be hypocritical by disregarding other social injustices. In an educational institution whose intention is, or should be, to contribute to the formation of a safer society for all, we as students should address this regression toward a lower level of society.

I call for a boycott of all explicit pornographic films depicting violent sexual acts and a campaign to inform students and student organizations on the negative effects of these films.

Tana Titre

S.A. Senator