Take stand at VCB

Last semester, while I was in Village Commons Bookstore, my backpack was taken from the bins students are required to put their books into before entering the store.

My backpack contained a research paper, notes that were imperative for three of my finals, and my key, which is worth $45. But it’s not the monetary value that upsets me, it’s an entire semester’s work down the drain.

But the most upsetting fact of all is that I didn’t lose my backpack because of my own irresponsibility—I was obligated to leave it in the bin.

I understand that the store fears theft, but it is unfair to ask the students to subject themselves to the same threat in order to protect the store’s best interests. Considering all the money students put into VCB, I don’t feel it is too much to ask for lockers or a check system.

The system being used at VCB is both inconsiderate and severely unrealistic. A person can simply pick up a backpack and leave the store, leaving some unfortunate person out hundreds of dollars in books, not to mention the academic sacrifice.

VCB can’t deny that, by using the bin system, they are tempting people to steal.

I write this letter as a warning to all students making purchases at VCB. I give you two pieces of advice: either shop at the student center where lockers are provided or, when you shop at VCB, simply refuse to leave your backpack open to theft and carry it with you. Some stand must be taken in order to change the current “system” at VCB, if it even deserves such a title.

Julie Leman
