Invalid argument

I would like to respond to the ridiculous letter to the editor by Dan Taylor that appeared in the Dec. 3 issue of the Northern Star. His unmasked hostility toward women and society does nothing to support his argument that women don’t understand how difficult it is to be a man in our society.

He states in the same sentence that “in the wake of the news of rapes at NIU … all the hurting in relationships is not perpetrated by men.” Although I agree that all of the hurting in relationships is not caused by men, all of the rape is. I think that everyone would agree that rape and “hurting” are worlds apart.

Mr. Taylor goes on to say that women are insensitive to what it is like growing up and becoming a man in this society. Does he think women have it any easier? Women are under equal pressure to become a wife, a mother and a career person in today’s society. They also are required to be somewhat aggressive to be able to compete in today’s job market, yet they still are considered submissive and weak. My point here is that everyone in today’s society faces difficulties and “double-binds” regardless of sex, race or religion. I am surprised that a sociology major could be so closed-minded as to think that these problems are exclusive to men.

His final assumption is that “if men were able to value themselves for who they are and did not have to be ashamed to openly vent their hostility toward women, they would not have to express themselves in violent crimes like rape.” This statement has absolutely no validity. Is this supposed to be some sort of justification for the most violent and humiliating crime that can be committed toward a woman? If so, it is a very weak one.

Mr. Taylor’s goal should not be to be able to openly vent his frustration toward women, but to deal with it instead.

Tracey Gee

junior—sociology and

family social services