Review uninformed

In response to “Giles Pullman-Hall’s” article on the spring season of the department of theatre arts, I applaud “his” concern for the department and “his” attempts to bring the theatre scene to the readers of The Northern Star.

I do feel that “he” is presenting a rather uninformed, biased picture of the department’s efforts that is devoid of any understanding of the training mission or history of the department of theatre arts at NIU.

The main mission of the department of theatre arts is to provide professional training for actors, directors and designers—not produce “safe, commercially saleable productions!” Plays are chosen in light of their creative challenge, to facilitate theatrical research that will result in the training of professional theatre practitioners. There is no “steady stream” of Neil Simon, Arthur Miller or 35-plus-year-old musicals.

Since 1959, the department of theatre arts has produced over 370 productions. During those 29 years only five Arthur Miller plays and five Neil Simon plays have been produced. The production history of the department of theatre arts has been filled with variety and is proof that the department is living up to its mission—to present a challenge to those who create theatre and those who attend it.

It seems to me that included in the training mission of the department of theatre arts is the responsibility to make available to the students of the entire university a range of theatrical events to help round out their educational ventures. What is wrong with exposing the university student to Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, Edward Albee or any of the other “dinosaurs”, such as Shakespeare, Sheridan, Chekhov or Wilde? Or how about such dance “dinosaurs” as Paquita and Swan Lake?

Yes, “Giles Pullman-Hall”, the spring season is ambitious, creative and challenging—just like the previous 28 seasons have been before it. Hope to see you at the show!

Alan Bernstein

marketing director

theatre arts