Proposal reviewed

By Sean Noble

NIU’s Council on Instruction will act today on a proposal to move required grade of “C” in English 103 to English 104.

University Associate Provost Lou Jean Moyer said, “It seems more appropriate to have the requirement at the end of the sequence rather than in the middle.”

Moyer said English 104 was primarily a literature class until about 1985, when it was changed to its present status as a required class for all students, coupled with English 103.

If approved by the council, Moyer said the proposal will go to the University Council for final approval.

She said the proposal is “catalog-effective,” and would have no effect on students currently enrolled at NIU. It would go into effect in a later catalog.

In other business, Moyer said the Council on Instruction will address the “recurring issue” of the review policy for NIU classes. Classes are reviewed for their effectiveness every three years under the current policy.

The meeting is at 12:30 p.m. in Lowden Hall 304.