Defends Rockford

I am writing in response to Theron Moore’s letter on Dec. 10. This is not directed at the main point of Mr. Moore’s letter, but at his derogatory comment regarding Rockford.

Mr. Moore states that Rockford is a “festering hell-hole.” I find this comment unwarrranted, since I am from Rockford.

In defense of our city, I would like to state the following. Rockford has one of the best park districts in the state, and as far as entertainment goes, we have our share. Not only does Rockford have numerous clubs and bars, a Minor League baseball team and a Continental Basketball team, it also has a 10,000 seat arena, the Metro Centre, which has hosted many big names. I find it funny that the Rolling Stones didn’t seem to be “lost” in our hell-hole.

Mr. Moore, if you are from Rockford, perhaps you should move—Rockford doesn’t seem to suit you. And if you’re not, don’t bother coming—we can have plenty of fun without you.

Robert White

junior, comp. sci.

Proud Rockford Resident