WKDI needs UPI

WKDI should have the UPI newswire. No reasonable alternative methods exist for getting national news 24 hours a day. I do not regularly listen to the radio, but when I do, timely events on the news broadcast are interesting and relevant enough to keep the radio on.

Because of the limited area that WKDI has access to (cable), it does not obtain the revenues of comparable on-the-air type stations. The Student Association should therefore fund the $5,000 necessary for the newswire and even consider a $10,000 start-up cost for WKDI to go on the air. This event, in the long run, would move WKDI from a large expenditure to a large cash generator. Advertising revenues will increase and this in turn will reduce the annual $30,000 shell-out of student fees to operate the station.

Helping WKDI keep the UPI and go on the air can only result in positive benefits.

Michael Cassman

SA senator