Discrimination evil and un-American

Fundamentalist Christians very rarely write to tell us about the many statements by Christianity’s Founder which oppose all discrimination, oppression and bigotry. Like the powerful religious leaders who executed Jesus 2,000 years ago, they are obsessed with matters involving consenting adults. They seem unconcerned with “the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faith.”

In a letter on Nov. 17, Marie Nelson maintained that the apostle Paul (“God,” as she calls him), in his first century letter to the oppressed Christians in Rome, says all homosexuality is wrong. Had she quoted the entire passage, it would have been very clear the subject there is “idol worship” (paganism) and “rejection of God” (atheism). As an aside Paul says he believed God allowed these particular pagans and atheists to become involved in such horrendous crimes as gossip, lending money with interest, arrogance, slander, murder and envy. Also, they apparently left their spouses and engaged in lustful sexual activity with others of the same gender. Paul also considered lustful extramarital heterosexual activity immoral. Also note that the Greek “para fusin”—often translated “unnatural” is used elsewhere by Paul to describe a miracle performed by God. (Romans 11:24). Mistranslation is again the culprit at I Cor. 6:9 where Paul’s “arsenokoitai” is rendered “homosexuals” in some 20th century Bibles.

Marie, Jesus said whatever we do to even the least among us, we do to him. (Matthew 25). You are correct in believing anti-gay and racist discrimination are evil. I would add, un-American.

Jim McDermott

acting director-LCF

Lambda Christian Fellowship