Frigtening view

I would like to respond to Dan Taylor’s Dec. 3 letter. Mr. Taylor, either you didn’t realize the magnitude of what you were saying, or you have some severe problems you should probably get help for. You obviously have had negative experiences with women in the past which have culminated in this bitterness you feel. To regard frustration with the opposite sex as a justification for rape is a very frightening attitude.

Does this mean that every time a woman is confused as to what is expected of her in a relationship she should (if she could) “express” herself through violence? I think not. You seem to feel that rape is a direct result of role confusion and the “women’s movement.”

This kind of violence has been around for a much longer time than that. If you really feel, as you stated, that men are compelled to commit violent crimes like rape when unable to “vent their hostility toward women,” then I believe your view is warped and dangerous. Can you possibly fathom how a woman might feel after reading your irresponsible statements regarding rape?

Jennifer Mannebach


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