Officials address assault problem

Recently, there has been considerable publicity concerning sexual assaults in the community and on campus. It is important to accurately inform students and staff about the incidents which have occurred and the actions being taken to address them.

Since Oct. 1, three sexual assault complaints involving university students have been officially reported to the DeKalb Police Department. These incidents involved stranger rapes and are currently under investigation.

These reports have resulted in additional police patrols added in those areas where the stranger rapes have occurred.

Complaints of acquaintance rape have been brought to the attention of staff in the Counseling and Student Development Center, University Health Service, University Judicial Office, and University Police Department. To date, two of these complaints are under active investigation and have resulted in official police reports.

The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Sexual Assault Task Force, the University and DeKalb Police departments, and several Student Affairs offices are combining efforts to provide sexual assault information and educational programs for student groups and living units.

A coordinated Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is on 24-hour emergency call daily to assist sexual assault victims with their special medical, counseling, police and judicial needs.

Students should continue to take necessary safety precautions and be alert to the problems of sexual assault. While stranger rapes receive the most publicity, acquaintance rapes are much more frequent in the college environment, especially in student social functions where alcohol is heavily used.

Men, in particular, should be aware that whenever sexual coercion and intimidations are used, regardless of circumstances, they are committing sexual assault and subjecting themselves to the possibility of serious criminal charges.

Any student who would like to report a incident of sexual assault or who has information about such an incident is encouraged to contact the following sexual assault response team departments:

NIU Police (3-1212)

University Judicial Office (3-1571)

Counseling and Student Development Center (3-1206)

University Health Service (3-1311)

Jon Dalton

vice president

student affairs

Marti Ruel


sexual assault task force