Poem from reader:

Shades of Gray

Why can’t we see through shades of gray?

Why is God so cruel?

Why is the world ignorant?

Why can’t we see through shades of gray?

What is South Africa?

What is prejudice?

Maybe it’s just people who haven’t seen through shades of gray.

Will we ever have peace?

Will we ever stop fighting among our own human race?

Why can’t we see through shades of gray?

ow can we change society?

ow can we learn to love one another?

Maybe we’ll never see through shades of gray.

When time stands still,

When we mature in strong will,

When those blinded by prejudice begin to see,

When the sun warms Africa, and people are free,

Maybe, just maybe, we’ll begin to see through shades of gray.

Someday ….

Annabelle M. Buitron
