Need UPI wire

Were the senators drunk again when they voted against funding for a UPI news wire at WKDI? Maybe they were just stupid.

Well, put on your thinking caps, senators. Would the FCC give WKDI a license to go on the air without a news wire? No. WKDI is competing with many stations to go on the air. WKDI needs that wire service.

Some smart senators might say, “Why not read your news off the Sun-Times or the Tribune? Do the words “copyright violation” mean anything to the smart senators?

Maybe te senators do not like WKDI’s progressive programming. They probably listen to WNIU or WDEK.

The senators do not care about NIU’s only student-run radio station. They are just senators because it gives them prestige and it looks good on their job applications.

Glen Szczypka


news department