Wise to prepare now for winter onslaught

Beyond fortifying yourself with a sense of humor about the inevitable process of falling temperatures, freezing winds and snowbound cars, there are several things you can do to prepare yourself for the impact winter is likely to have on your pocket-book and personal well-being.

I. The 1981 Boca Basis Property Maintenance Code, as adopted by the City of Dekalb, requires “every dwelling unit and guest room shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaing a room temperature of 65 F at a point three feet above the floor and three feet from an exterior wall in all habitable rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms,” and “every window and exterior door be fitted reasonably in its frame and be weathertight. Weather stripping shall be used to exclude wind or rain from the dwelling or structure and shall be kept in good repair.”

If after checking the windows, doors and the temperature you find that the defined standards are not being met, contact your landlord and discuss the situation. If this is not productive, notify your landlord of the problem in writing and save a copy. If there is still no reasonable response, you can complain to the City of DeKalb Code Enforcement Department. You might also buy a thermometer and keep a daily log of the temperature in your apartment as evidence in the event the matter ends up in court.

The City Code does not require that storm windows be provided. Recent technological developments make installing plastic film on windows almost as easy as operating a hairdryer. Talk to your landlord about picking up the costs of heat-saving devices. Don’t overlook the simplest cost saver—judicious control of your thermostat.

II. Most tenants are responsible for heating costs. If so, you should know about your rights and responsibilities in relation to the utility companies. By law, every utility company is required to have one person available at all times to resolve complaints and problems. If this person cannot answer your question or resolve your complaint, ask to speak to a supervisor. If this does not help, contact the Consumer’s Assistance Office, Public Utilities Section, Illinois Commerce Commission, 527 East Capitol, Springfield, Il 62706, (217) 782-2024. The Consumer’s Assistance office investigates both sides of a complaint and reaches a decision or arranges a compromise. If a customer is still dissatisfied, he or she can request a hearing before the Commerce Commission, or take the case to court.

The Commerce Commission regulates discontinuance of service by a utility company. The Commission forbids discontinuance of service on any weekday or day preceeding a weekend or holiday, if the National Weather Service has forcasted a temperature of 32 degrees or below for that day or any day during the weekend or holiday. More stringent regulations control discontinuance between December 1 and March 31. The utilities also are prohibited from discontinuing service while the dispute procedure described above is under way, provided the customer promptly pays the undisputed portion of his or her bills.

If your landlord is responsible for paying all or part of the utility bills, but is failing to do so, you have the right by law to continue your service by paying in full the present and all future bills and deducting these sums from your rent. If your building contains three or more residential units, the utiltiy must notify you that it intends to discontinue service for the landlord’s delinquency. If you find yourself in this situation contact this office or another attorney immediately.

III. Help for heating bills. Beginning Dec. 14, income eligible persons can apply for grants through the Illinois Home Energy Assistance Program to assist in payment of heating bills. Income eligible senior citizens, persons with disabilities and households whose energy source has been discontinued are eligible to apply. Gross income may not exceed $573.00 for the past 30 days for a single household, or $771.00 for a two-person household. If you believe you may be eligible, call the Energy Department Community Contact Inc., in Genoa, 758-3535, for further information.