Greatest carnage

The FBI has its “Most Wanted List,” consisting of the people at large who are considered to be most dangerous to society and to have caused the most havoc in their crime sprees. It would be interesting to compile a similar list of the groups or organizations that are root causes to the greatest destruction of human life.

We would probably include near the top of such a list those who deal in illegal drugs. Those who have the power to alleviate world hunger, and won’t, have to rank high on the list. The peddlers and barons of hard core pornography and child pornography would be cited by some for their activity.

But, based on statistics, none of the above would make it to the top of the list. There is a group in our society that legally kills 4,000 babies each day and they walk the streets without fear of arrest. They have legally destroyed 20 million children since 1973, when their industry was unleashed by the U.S. Supreme Court. The total number of children aborted is in excess of the population of Canada (not including millions of abortions outside of the U.S.). Another way to look at the statistics is to realize that 17 times the total number of U.S. War Dead (Revolutionary—Vietnam) have been aborted. One-and-one-half million children will be aborted this year in the U.S. Abortion stands alone at the top of the list of history’s atrocities. No other atrocity … not the holocaust, not slavery, not apartheid … comes close to the carnage of abortion. The history of mankind wears no greater shame.

The Pope said it correctly during his visit, “Abortion must stop!”

. Ray Anderson
