Liberal vs. radical

During the past few weeks, I have been hearing more and more about the “liberals” on campus. The information covered has generally pertained to the John Lennon Society, who or what the JLS is protesting at the time, and or how radical the “liberal” ideology is.

Contrary to the belief of many, being a “liberal” is not necessarily synonymous with being a member of the JLS or other extreme left-wing organizations. I consider myself a liberal, yet I am not Pro-Marxist, Pro-Sandanistan, a member of Greenpeace, anti-nuclear, nor a member of the JLS. (In fact, I don’t even listen to the Beatles).

The point I am trying to make is that being a liberal or holding a liberal viewpoint does not necessarily mean being a left-wing extremist. In the future, please remember there is more than one type of “liberal” viewpoint.

Patrick Keenan


political science