NIU women swimmers set season goals high

By Chris Sigley

While near-freezing temperatures have students piling on layers of clothing, the NIU women’s swimming and diving team is peeling them off to prepare for its upcoming season.

Entering his second year as head coach at NIU, Mike Burt and the team have set several goals, including to improve last year’s 7-4 dual meet record.

“We want to be 8-3 meetwise, win every home meet, win the Wheaton Invitational, finish in the top five schools at the University of California Irvine Invitational and finish first or second at the (Midwest Independent) Championship meet,” Burt said.

“Beyond that, we just have to keep our fingers and toes crossed, and hope to do even better than last season,” Burt said.

The team will not need to make a drastic change to improve its intentional placing of first at the Wheaton Invitational, in which they placed second last season.

The same theory goes for the team wanting to place first or second in the championships, because the Huskies were close by capturing third last season.

Burt feels confident about accomplishing the new goals, because of the team’s main strength—which is its total team balance.

“Our basic strength is no one person, it’s the team itself,” Burt said. “This year we have a better understanding of the team’s goals, and the girls have a better understanding of the concept it will take to accomplish these goals.”

The Huskies have added eight new freshmen to their squad of 14 returning swimmers. Among the returners includes last year’s outstanding female athlete of the year, Linda Rodie.

“Everyone looks up to her,” Burt said, “but this year we’ll need more divers to pull their fair share.”

Also coming back as juniors this year are two divers, Susan Shaughnessy and Madylon Scotty, both of whom qualified for the zone meet, which is one meet prior to qualifying for the NCAA Championship.

“Between recruits and returning players, we’re strong in every area,” Burt said, “we have people capable of being the top three swimmers and or divers competing at the championship meet.”

Despite a few different training methods instituted this year, Burt said he expects no exceptional surprises and no major disappointments for the season.

“If we make the improvements we’re planning on making this year, then you’re going to see one smiling swimming coach,” Burt said.