Columnists didn’t understand role

Opinion columnists Mike Lacy, Dan Moran and Mike Solley distorted Jim Fabris’ role in the Oct. 21 Day of Action when they disparaged Fabris in their columns.

Fabris demonstrated self-control outside the Nothern Star when he refused to fight a journalist who roughly shoved him. Instead, Fabris asked Northern Star Editor Dave Duschene why the paper has never had a black or minority columnist. Fabris then handed Duschene a megaphone and listened to Duschene’s answer.

Fabris moderated the students’ swelling anger throughout the Day of Action as he exhorted the students to “stay mellow and keep moving.”

Fabris’ cool leadership influenced the students to avoid violence and awaken the campus through peaceful demonstrations.

Fabris is an articulate, well-informed student who cares deeply about people. He deserves a fair treatment from the Northern Star’s editors and columnists.

Aaron C. Burke

law student