Please vote Yes

The members of the DeKalb Senior Centers’ Legislative Committee urge you to vote “YES” on the social service advisory referendum appearing on the DeKalb Township ballot Tuesday, November 3rd.

Passing the advisory referendum will not raise your taxes. DeKalb Township has helped fund vital social service programs such as the Senior Center, the Voluntary Action Center and Meals on Wheels service for many years and we strongly believe this should continue.

We also agree with the majority of the Township Board officials who have stated there are sufficient revenues in reserve to continue funding for these programs without the need for a tax increase.

Terry Desmond

Tom Zucker

Eileen Dammers

Jim Simon

Martin Bartels

Majorie Peterson

Doris Smith

LaVerna Miller

Doris Rourke

Glenn Holdridge

obert Levine

DeKalb Senior Centers’

Legislative Committee