Information needed to deal with rape situation

There is a situation developing in DeKalb that is cause for alarm. But not panic.

A man wearing a ski mask and toting a gun is going around committing perhaps the most despicable act anyone is capable of—rape.

And he’s getting away with it, in part, because his victims are too scared to come forward. And, in part, because cases that have been reported have been held back from the public. For the most part, the public has only rumor by which to understand the situation.

So this man is continuing to destroy the lives of females who are afraid to seek help.

ape can ruin a person mentally for the rest of one’s life, especially if the victim doesn’t seek help. So victims have to realize that no matter how traumatic the situation, the best route is to report the incident and receive medical and psychological assistance.

eporting the incident also makes it easier for the police to work on the case. And, logically, the sooner the police can catch the rapist, the fewer the number of lives that can be ruined.

Jon Dalton, vice president for student affairs, is concerned the situation could get out of hand. He said rumors can lead to fear among women, a situation he thinks should be avoided.

This is partially true. When unsubstantiated rumors about things as serious as rape go around, it is understandable a certain amount of panic might ensue. Of course that’s not the best way to handle a delicate situation.

But the fact remains. There is someone out there who has assaulted at least two girls. And it’s not outrageous to think he is capable of doing it again.

The stories that have gotten out—both fact and rumor—can serve to instill a certain amount of useful fear in women. I say useful because fear has the tendency to raise awareness and heighten cautiousness.

If girls are more aware of their surroundings now than when the stories weren’t circulating, at least fear has served that purpose.

The stories have also prompted the members of at least one sorority to post signs in their house warning women not to walk alone and to be conscious of the whole situation.

In addition, the InterFraternity Council is working with the Panhellenic Council to set up a “buddy system” between sororities and fraternities so girls don’t have to walk alone.

Now, the university and the police have to play their parts. Each has to make information about the situation available to the public as soon as possible.

If the media is able to keep the public informed as to what is happening, the public will not have to rely on rumors to get its information. People in this situation are better off knowing the truth. That is why it is important anyone with any information concerning this issue should make it public record.

Besides that, if the rapist sees what he has done has not gone unnoticed, he might think twice about continuing his assaults. The police then could track him down while he is inactive.

I guess all I can say now is to keep yourself informed as to what is going on with this case. Think about it as much as you need to to understand the implications of what is going on. If you are a female, please avoid walking alone at any cost.

I’m not here to create panic, I just think the situation merits the warnings.

I honestly hope they catch this bastard soon. I don’t care what it takes, I just want to see him locked up. He’s destroyed a few lives already with his actions.

I hope he ends up where he belongs—behind bars in a prison where he will be shown no mercy.

I hope he spends the rest of his life there, receiving, in his own way, what he has already dished out.

That will in no way salvage anything for the girls he has violated, probably nothing will.

But in reality, that would be what a lot of people would call justice.