Weary of whiners

I have read numerous letters and columns on the parking and towing “problems” in this city, both at the university and local businesses. Having grown immensely tired of the whining of the “victims” of parking tickets and tow trucks, I find I must respond.

If you don’t like towing companies, don’t give them your business. “But I don’t!” you say. Wrong. Every time your car is towed because you parked illegally, you give them your business. “But I need to drive!” Unless you live out of town, your car should almost never be on campus. If you park at a business, you should be going there.

You have some options: walk, ride a bike, take the bus. A two mile walk takes about 35 minutes, 10 on a bike. You already pay for the Huskie buses in your fees, so use them!

Take responsibility for your own actions. If you park where you oughtn’t, expect to pay. If you make no attempt to avoid, solve or prevent the problem, you have no right to complain. Use what you have, or keep quiet.

Chris West

graduate student
