Vengeful column

This is in reply to Mike Solley’s column Oct. 26. Solley accused the John Lenon Society of being “a self-centered group of extremists motivated to scurrilous behavior by ignorance, hate, and a warped view of reality.”

Solley came to this conclusion as a result of the actions on Wed., Oct. 21. On that day, NIU students, including members of the Student Association, fraternities, and the John Lennon Society, as well as other students and faculty members rallied and marched to protest the education budget cuts and tuition increases proposed by the Illinois State Legislature and Gov. Thompson.

The NIU protests were part of a state-wide action which culminated a series of lobbying, letter writing, petitioning and protesting.

Solley ignored all this. Instead he focused exclusively on alleged insults and obscenities directed by the NIU marchers at Solley and other Northern Star employees. I have heard mixed reports as to the truth of these allegations. If they are true, then I can understand how Solley would feel angry and upset.

owever, this does not give him license to make slanderous and vengeful remarks against the JLS.

Let me explain, Mr. Solley.

Being so upset after being publicly insulted and feeling personally attacked and hurt, you decided to insult everyone who had taken part in the Day of Action, to deny all the hard work so many people had done, and to print slander and untruths about the JLS in an act of personal revenge.

By saying the JLS does not “care to actively work for change,” you insulted the people who went to Springfield to speak with the state representatives, the people who worked hard to get out petitions and letter-writing campaigns against the tuition hikes and budget cuts, and, of course, the people who organized and took part in the state-wide protest, who worked toward focusing media attention on the issues.

By saying the JLS parades around “castigating Yuppies,” how do you explain the numerous so-called “Yuppie” types who took part in the Day of Action? Mr. Solley, out of vengeful, childish sentiments, you have insulted the JLS, an organization of motivated and activist people who are fighting for your rights, and in this case your $150 and your education. You may have reason to be upset. But as an editor and as a journalist, you have a responsibility to write fairly and accurately. You have sorely failed in your responsibility.

Sam Lipkin

