Regarding racism

Unity through Diversity week is underway at last! Now everyone has a chance to engage in public hand-wringing and breast-beating over issues of racism. Step right up and genuflect at the altar of cultural pluralism. If you do not, you must be one of those white racists we’ve been hearing so much about.

Some of us are sick to death of Northern’s obsessive compulsion with racism. This isn’t to say we aren’t concerned about problems of race. What we mean is we’re proud of being white and aren’t about to make apologies for it.

We refuse to follow the herd instinct and conform to the standards of those whose ideology we do not share. We refuse to be stripped of our cultural identity and replace it with self-hatred and guilt. Our white heritage has had its share of embarrassments, but they are pale beside the triumphs and achievements. Those who attempt to racially castrate us and force us to blend unobtrusively into the multi-racial future will fail.

As we suspect the Star will be too squeamish to print this, we will distribute copies in the U.S. Mail if this letter doesn’t appear. We’ll see if there is true freedom of the press at NIU!

Mark Sloan, senior

Deborah Davenport, soph.

Brian Higgins, junior