Contest winners

On behalf of the Unity Through Diversity Week Essay Contest Committee, I wish to thank the following persons and local businesses for lending their support: Conrad Hallgren, Richard Willey, Jeff Fender and Wenke Hansen.

Additionally, a debt of gratitude is owed to Rosalie Hewitt, director of freshman English, for initiating and assisting with the essay judging. I am also grateful for the efforts of our essay judges, Pamela Bozman, Sharon Howard, Yona Leyser and Monique LeMaitre.

Finally, I wish to thank the freshman English students who cared enough about unity on the NIU campus to write this group of moving essays. Each was a revelation. Reading the essays served to reinforce my already solid conviction that achieving unity and understanding in our world is a attainable goal. My respect and admiration goes out to our winners: first place, Tracy Deis; second place, Hertha Valiente; and third place, Jane Nedodog.

Laura Frankiewicz


unity through diversity essay contest