Gay acceptance

I was quite moved by the well researched column on gays by Mary McCoy. However, she neglected to cite the example of contemporary societies which exemplified the philosophies of her ancient authorities. The great minds of the Third Reich made the Nazi empire a model of the Old Testament edicts against homosexuality (a pink triangle labeled gays as candidates for the gas chambers). The present government of Iran has adhered faithflly to ancient Mosaic legislation on exterminating gays.

Seriously, it is tragic that, as a future educator, Ms. McCoy will be in a position to infect impressionable minds with her poisonous attitudes. Does she have the faintest idea why people become homosexual? Scientists have concluded that homosexuality develops in the same manner as heterosexuality; biological predispositions are molded by environment. Gays are not seduced by some old “queer” who changes their preference, and they aren’t overwhelmed by too much permissiveness. The become gays as naturally as most of us became straight. They grow up that way. The difference is in dealing with the attitudes of their environment. Gays have to deal with feelings which many cruel people in the world around them label as sick and disgusting.

So what is the answer to the proposed gay “problem”? Do we tell gays to become straight? That would be as easy as asking staight people to become gay.

I am fully aware of resentment for some gays who, through their denial of common sense hygiene, have spread AIDS. However, they are a tiny minority of all gays (as heterosexual child molesters and incestors are a tiny minority of all straights). Most gays are indistinguishable from straights in almost all of the daily interactions of our lives. Acceptance is a lot easier and more sane than the sickness of condemnation and intolerance.

Steve Cordogan

doctoral candidate

educational administration