‘Research’ is an excuse for racism

After the article in the Northern Star about my request to remove “Thunderbolt” from our library, I received a great variety of concerns. On one side, people are accusing me of attempting to withdraw their First Amendment right. On the other hand, people are encouraging me in my request.

Let me make this clear. I have no right to attempt to deprive anyone of their constitutional rights. I am not objecting to the writers in Atlanta printing the paper. I’m objecting to our library, run by our state revenues, subscribing to a racist newspaper. In this case, it is the responsibility of the library administration to justify their actions to the minority populace of NIU.

According to the SA constitution, it is the duty of the minority relations adviser to address all issues which affect minority students. When minority students are expressing their outrage of such issues, the MR adviser cannot turn a deaf ear and reply it’s being used for research purposes. If 19 years of a racist newspaper which has the same outrageous anti-minority ideologies is used by only two departments and is delivered to the second largest university in Illinois in a brown paper wrapper, it is not enough for research. That becomes an excuse.

Last semester at our anti-racism rally, I led the crowd in a repetitious chant: ‘We will not tolerate racism at Northern Illinois University.’ I meant what I said. Now, when we know the source and the solution to a racist problem on our campus, I’m wondering where those hundreds of people who were chanting along with me are now. Let me make this clear to administrators, faculty members, staff members and students who question my request. I will not tolerate racism at NIU.

Larry L. Robertson

SA minority relations adviser