Article incomplete

Students for Rehabilitation, an organization addressing educational and professional concerns in various rehabilitation fields, wishes to recognize The Northern Star for its efforts in publishing the recent article discussing discrimination and disability.

This particular article discusses the extensive services offered to students with disabilities on campus and NIU should be commended for its commitment to such students. We find the article incomplete in that only the services available to the visually impaired are reported. The reader is not made aware of the extent of NIU’s commitment. For example, no mention is made of the comprehensive services to hearing impaired students including sign language interpreting services, class notetakers and individual tutoring.

Although NIU’s commitment to our disabled student population is strong, it is not complete. The article does not bring out the shortcomings of the NIU campus which continue to exist. Such deficiencies include a lack of wheelchair accessibility within buildings such as Adams Hall, where a single entrance is accessible but one cannot advance beyond the first floor. Williston Hall presents the same dilemma and Gabel Hall offers no accessible entrances.

We commend The Northern Star for its vision in realizing the importance of publishing an article concerning discrimination and disability. We recommend a more complete portrayal of the situation.

Chris Ash


students for rehabilitation