Cure for racism
March 18, 1987
If we want to end racism, then we must make our society colorblind. This would ensure that no one would receive an unfair advantage over another. To all, this sounds fair, except when it is your advantage that may be taken away.
The Black Student Union, the Black Choir and any other such organization, cater to certain segments of the population. The organizations’ foundations are based solely on race and culture.
How can one scream “racism” while maintaining their own organizations based on one’s race? If these organizations are allowed to exist, then why can’t a White Student Union or Bohemian Choir also exist? These words could hardly leave one’s lips before a charge of racism would be leveled against him.
Many will say the reason behind the Black Student Union, etc., is that blacks were not allowed into white organizations, so they formed their own. This may have been true once, but it is no longer.
Martin Luther King has been immortalized because he furthered Black causes, but I will be deemed a racist because I want a “fair society.”
Kevin G. Sullivan
international relations