Ending abortion

In regard to Ms. Barton’s (et al) comments in the Tuesday, Jan. 27 edition, I am overjoyed the National Organization of Women views abortion as unpleasant. The old saying goes, “You have to walk before you can run.”

Alfred Lord Tennyson once wrote, “When the good of all is the rule of all, we shall live in peace.” With regard to abortion, which is America’s most important moral issue, I hope and pray we can find the “good” for all who are involved in this most unpleasant reality. American children dying at the request of their mothers should be a concern of everyone.

I hope this initial admission by NOW’s representatives is a sign of moving to the “walking” stage in issue development. I pray we, as a nation, can one day see the truth in this matter and move in a positive direction for all concerned.

Mark Powell

Seventh Ward Aldermanic Candidate