Students get a say on Martin Luther King Jr. Day

By Sarah LaLond

In this week’s Man on the Street we asked students what Martin Luther King Jr. Day meant to them, and here is what they had to say.


“He made a huge difference and that’s something [that should] not be forgotten,” Jordan Slagle sophomore early childhood education major said. 


“It’s important to know your history [and] the impact that he did here,” Diane Harrison sophomore nursing major said

“To me, it celebrates the Civil Rights Movement and the person that sacrificed his life, [and] to not forget the things that people went through,” Chris Waahby junior geography major said.

“[It’s] good we’re learning about it- not like St. Patrick’s Day where no one really knows who St. Patrick is,” Corey Hanson sophomore English major said. 

 “The legacy didn’t die- we have it immortalized in a holiday,” Kalin Upson sophomore anthropology major said.

“We should do more than just have the day off, [we should] actually learn about him,” Mahogany Snipes sophomore middle level teaching said.

That will be it for this week Huskies! Keep a look out for our reporters out on campus so you can be featured in our next man on the street!