Super blood wolf moon eclipse graces the sky

By Amy Caboor

From Jan 20 through the 21 a special astronomical event is taking place: a super blood wolf moon eclipse try saying that 10 times fast. Before the moon shifts into a vibrant color, it goes through a dimming phase called penumbra. Then, the moon passes through Earth’s shadow, making the moon turn a rusty, red color.

Every place around the circumference of the Earth is going through sunrise or sunset, so the bright orange light reflects right on to the moon. The red color comes from the sunlight that isn’t being blocked from the Earth’s shadow. The whole show will last an hour, and in case you missed out,this event will happen again in two years.

There’s plenty of superstition that follows this phenomenon. Some view it as a bad omen, linking it back to stories from the Bible, according to Pastor Mark Blitz, founder of El Shaddai Ministries.

Although, Tibetan Buddhists say a blood moon can multiply any good acts that take place. Either way, there is always something incredible about the universe doing what it does with no prompt from us people on Earth.