Fill in the blank: Syllabus week at NIU was….

Haley Galvin | Perspective Editor

The first week of classes was not as “stress free” as it used to be freshman year. The first two days of classes were very laid back but the rest of the week was anything but a breeze. The assignments racked up quicker than I was prepared for. I had so many things to do but not enough time to do them. This week has slowly taken a toll on my mental state more than I was ready for. However, I have hope that within the next few weeks I will get a better footing and handle on my work load.

Although this week may have knocked me down, I will pick myself back up and move forward. Positivity will get me through the rest of my work and the rest of the semester. Even during my most stressful moments, I used my work to motivate me and to push me forward to get through the week.

Lisa Lilianstrom | Perspective Contributor

Syllabus week was definitely one of the craziest weeks I have had in my educational career. The professors had a lot to say, and people were already taking notes. The craziest class during that week was my Spanish class; we already had homework, and I already have almost 10 pages worth of notes in my notebook. It kept me busy, but it was still pretty crazy. It is definitely different than from what it used to be; in high school, the first week was pretty relaxed, and somewhat with community college as well, but it’s a whole new ball game at NIU. I still get lots of information and know what I have to do, but it is still a lot to take in. However, I am glad to know in advance what is expected for this upcoming semester.

Lucas Skye | Perspective Columnist

Syllabus week is a stressful, yet manageable time that shows incoming students what the rest of the school year might look like.

Syllabus week bombards students with tons of introductory assignments, supply lists and extracurricular events, leaving incoming students with a lot to do, but little time to do it.

Despite the feelings of stress, this may cause syllabus week to ultimately set incoming students up for academic success.

Syllabus week sees to it that students understand the requirements and expectations of each of their courses, while also reminding students that careful time management is one of the most crucial elements for academic success.