What to Expect After Move-In Day

By Ashley Hines

Moving away from home is a high school graduate’s dream. However, sometimes it’s not all cracked up to be.

Freshman year of college can be the hardest, because people are moving from their childhood home right to living on their own. For some, this is an easy transition, but for others it can be extremely difficult to adjust.

Move-In Day is full of excitement and emotion. Many things are going on across campus from the walk parade, to meeting your floormates and having your first floor meeting.

It’s important to remember that everyone will be in the same situation as you; feeling nervous and a little shy. Luckily, you’ll frequently see your floormates throughout the year. They could wind up being some of your best friends.

Your high school friends will most likely also be doing the same thing, so don’t feel bad thinking you’re leaving them behind. You will get to see them during semester breaks and things will be great, but also keep in mind all of you guys have changed.

For me, I had some great friends in high school, but once I came home for summer break, we all changed and our friend dynamics shifted from what they were, because we all matured.

Everyone can always use a friend and making connections while away at college is a good thing.