Camp Kesem is looking for two nurses

By Northern Star Staff

DeKALB | A campus organization is looking for two nurses to work at a week-long camp for children whose parents have cancer.

Camp Kesem at NIU is a chapter of Camp Kesem, a national nonprofit organization started at Stanford University in 2000, according to the group’s website. The group provides a free week of summer camp for kids, ages 6 to 18, whose lives have been affected by having parents with cancer. The group tries to foster fun and support for the kids in attendance, as well as find kids in similar situations. Overall, there are over 100 chapters in 40 states across the U.S.

The local Camp Kesem chapter is hosting its second annual camp this summer from June 3 to 9. The camp, with other chapters across the country, is ran by college student leaders.

Ria Sangsomwong, chapter director for Camp Kesem at NIU, is searching for two nurses to join the professional staff for the camp.

“The camp has a certified Mental Health Professional and two RN-certified nurses,” said Sangsomwong in a Jan. 24 press release. “Cancer can be a very serious topic, and some kids just need some extra love, so our MHP and nurses are there to make sure our week of camp be the most fun and safest it possibly could be.”

Those interested in applying or with any questions can go to for contact information of the NIU chapter or any other chapters across the country.