Dinner for Three: Parent Dates for Winter Break

November 28, 2017
Listen, guys. Your parents miss you. You barely call them, and when you come home for breaks, you spend most of your time making plans with friends. It’s time to show ‘em some love.
Stuck on ideas? Here are a few ways you can spend time with your family when you’re home for the holidays. I promise, it’ll mean more to them than you think.
Go out for breakfast
Every town has a cute little diner that serves better pancakes than any iHOP. It’s just statistics. Take your parents out for a nice breakfast. Waffles are the key to the heart.
Watch a movie
Lazy Sunday, anyone? My family loves to spend time together by watching movies (bonus points if it’s an old film you all have a special connection to). You’ll need a way to snooze off that meat lover’s skillet coma from breakfast anyways.
Do a puzzle or play some board games
Yes, it’s cheesy. But come on, parents love cheesy! The fact you’re even willing to sit down with your family for two hours and play Scrabble is a sign of love. Or, if you’re especially daring, go for Monopoly. A family that can survive four hours of competitive venture capitalism is a family that stays together.
Make them dinner
Not only is it a nice gesture, but it will reassure them you’re a competent adult who can DO things! Sure, it may be mac and cheese with hot dog chunks, but you didn’t ONCE touch the microwave. Their hearts will overflow with pride.
Go window shopping
This is a great way to get ideas of what to buy them for Christmas. That scarf is your Mom’s favorite color. Dad has been in the market for a stylish new hat. Your brother has been wanting to upgrade his iPad… well, maybe not that one. You’re a poor college student who can only do so much, after all.