5 Stages of Grief After a Season Finale

5 Stages of Grief After a Season Finale

5 Stages of Grief After a Season Finale

By Eve Grunauer

We’ve all been victims of show-binging, and while incredibly satisfying, it’s ultimately detrimental to your T.V. viewing habits. All your favorite shows are ending for the year and that means coming to terms with the fact that your favorite show won’t be on for a period of time…if ever. Here are 5 stages people go through after their beloved show ends for the year.

Stage 1: Denial


No, it can’t be over! If that was the season finale, I have to wait months to find out what happens next. Oh, there must be a mistake! It’ll be on next week because I can’t possibly live without this show, so good thing it’s not really over…right?

Stage 2: Anger


WHY! Why must all good things come to an end?! I’m going to march into the studio and demand more episodes right this instant or I’ll explode.

Stage 3: Bargaining


I’ll pay anything to find out what happens next. Please, just tell me what I need to do in order to get more episodes…I’ll sell my soul if that will help. Please, just give me the next season already.

Stage 4: Depression


Why should I even try to be happy throughout my day when I know I still have months until I get to see another new episode? Everything I do reminds me of that show which makes me really sad because everything is meaningless without my show.

Stage 5: Acceptance


Hey, it’s okay. Now I have time to rewatch all of the old episodes, catch up on Reddit theories and search Tumblr for fanfic! Also, I can always start another series. This is great, the sun is shining again and it’s a beautiful day to be alive.