Shawun Lurry Q-and-A

By Ryan Ostry

Senior cornerback Shawun Lurry is looking forward to being the dominant cornerback he was in 2015 when he led the nation with nine interceptions.

Lurry was still a productive cornerback last season when he had three interceptions. However, because of a couple nagging injuries and some issues holding onto the football, his production declined in 2016.

With a multitude of veterans in the secondary and players returning from injury, the Huskie defense looks to keep the momentum going from the Sept. 1 game against Boston College, where they allowed only 23 points.

Head Coach Rod Carey recognizes one of the major keys to his team’s defense is Lurry, and his health plays a large part in the success of the team.

“It’s fun to hear him out there and see him out there [because of] his attitude, effort and energy,” Carey said.

Lurry sat down with Ryan Ostry, Northern Star Sports Contributer, and discussed his injury status and his goals for this season.

Q: It’s your senior season. How excited were you for your first game of the season and for the rest of the year?

A: Last week, we came out on fire. Boston College made more plays than us, but we still got some stuff to improve on. This week, we’re just focused on Eastern Illinois and getting that [first win].

Q: What are some personal goals for you in the 2017 season?

A: Just to make sure I communicate with my defense [and making sure] I do everything right. [Also], making sure I’m on point with my keys, filling the gaps [correctly] and putting in the right call and make sure we go out there and just win games.

Q: Last year you had a couple nagging injuries. How much of that do you think played a role in your season a year ago?

A: I missed a lot of games because of those injuries, but I wish we would’ve went to a bowl game or the MAC championship game so I would have been able to play, but it’s a new season. Last year is last year, and we didn’t have the season we wanted to have so it’s alright.

Q: In 2015, you won the Jim Thorpe Award for your play. With nine interceptions that year, what do you think transpired from the nine to three dip in a year span?

A: It wasn’t that. See, what people don’t realize is that I dropped [roughly] nine interceptions last year. In 2015, I caught those, and then in 2016, I dropped those. So if I would of caught those, I would have had 11 or 12 interceptions. I just have to catch the ball.

Q: You’re one of the leaders on this defense. How is it assuming that position and do you like being someone that players can come to as you personally lead the team?

A: It’s different from my freshman and sophomore year because I was the guy looking up to the older guys and last year and this year I have guys coming up to me asking me questions. I’m just giving them some advice and to just keep their head up and just go [play] ball.

Q: If there’s one thing fans should know about this 2017 Huskie defense, what is it?

A: We’re fast, tough [and] physical.

The Huskies will stay at home to host Eastern Illinois University 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Huskie Stadium.