Cubs fans parade campus

Hundreds of Chicago Cubs fans sing, “Go Cubs Go,” Wednesday night outside the Huskie Stadium.

By Northern Star staff

DeKALB | Hundreds of Cubs fans flocked the streets of campus to celebrate the long awaited World Series win early Thursday morning. Students played the Cubs anthem on speakers while chanting “Go, Cubs Go!” over and over.

NIU was thrown into a frenzy when the Cubs triumphed over the Indians Wednesday night, (8-7).

Cub fans excitedly formed an impromptu parade behind Grant Towers that led through campus. The enthusiasm of the crowd enticed students to join in on the parade.

A big portion of the group broke off and ran to the Huskie Stadium in an attempt to jump the fence and storm the field. This endeavor was cut short by campus police, who closely monitored the parade of fans to make sure no one was injured.

The parade gradually dispersed around 2:30 a.m. after the encounter with campus police.