Huskie Hack promotes helpful thinking

By Northern Star staff

If there is an app for that, odds are that it began as a long process of production and design originating from the idea to make life that much easier. Huskie Hack is a 24-hour long event that generates app ideas for real-world problems.

Huskie Hack involves coding, technical design and communication that challenges thinking outside the box to create apps to help community partners. The hackathon will start at noon on Nov. 5 and finish at 2 p.m. Nov. 6 in the Holmes Student Center.

Similar to life-hacks, the event inspires solutions to small problems. Although, the process is a bit more complicated than following simple homemade instructions to turn a paper towel roll into affordable music speakers.

However, the technical aspect should not get in the way of anybody interested in hacking. Life-hacks help just as many people just as much as phone apps. Everyone benefits from knowing how to recycle old cans into ashtrays and use paperclips to organize their wires.