Organization of the week: Prism

By Northern Star staff

Editor’s note: The following text was edited for length and is not directly quoted.

Q: What are your organization’s goals?

A: Prism’s first and foremost goal is to create a safe environment for queer people and their allies; from there, Prism fosters an environment where members can learn from each other. In order to achieve these goals, Prism hosts a mixture of social and educational events. The social events allow people to interact and get to know each other in a more casual setting, while educational events are designed to educate members and the general public about various sexual and gender identities as well as LGBTQ issues. Through these goals, Prism works towards enhancing equality for the LGBTQ community on campus an din the general community.

Q: Why should people join your organization?

A: For most people, Prism provides an outlet to be themselves without fear of being discriminated against; for many queer people, meeting other queer people is an essential part of being comfortable in the environment around them. Prism is a great place to become educated about lesser known identities.

Q: What makes your organization unique?

A: Prism is unique in the way that it is an organization that provides a judgement-free zone for people who are not comfortable sharing their identity outside the organization. Prism is also unique because it does not have any specific requirements (such as attendance, volunteer hours, dues, etc.) for its members.

Q: What are some of your upcoming events?

A: Prism meets every Wednesday 9 to 11 p.m. in Holmes Student Center, Room 406.

Some upcoming events include:

Wednesday: Halloween Party

Nov. 2: “Not” Talent Show

Nov. 9: LGBTQ Representation in Media

Nov. 16: What is Asexuality?

Nov. 30: Stress Relief Night (Games and arts & crafts)

Q: How many members do you have in your organization?

A: On average, we have about 40-50 members at our social events.

Q: How can people join your organization?

A:  Joining Prism is easy. All you have to do is just show up. Prism has no membership requirements whatsoever people are free to come and leave as they please.

Q: How can students get in contact with your organization?

A: People with questions can contact president of Prism, Alex Forgue, at [email protected]. Students can also message the group on Huskie Link.

Q: How would you describe your organization in five words or less?

A: A safe-place for LGBTQA people

Q: What are the requirements to join your organization?

A: There are no requirements to join. People are free to come and go as they please.