Task force suggests more resources for accountancy

By Julia Martinez

A task report for the B.S. in accountancy showed that the program is a candidate for enhanced resources because of its support for student diversity.

Program prioritization, which began in 2014, uses task forces to create reports that review 459 academic and administrative programs to influence the allocation of university funds. The reports were based on narratives and data that were submitted by program leaders, such as deans and department chairs, in November.

Programs were placed in one of five categories: enhanced resources, no change in resources, reduced resources, transformation and subject to additional review. These categorizations are suggestions, and do not make any definite influence on the assessed programs.

The program frequently hosts speakers who focus on diversity and sponsor the Women in Business student organization, according to the accountancy program narrative.

Enrollment for accountancy has increased since fall 2014 by five percent, and students have the 16th highest pass rate on the Certified Public Accountant examination in the U.S.

The accountancy task force recommends the program should open up more seats in high demand areas such as upper-division accounting courses.

To see the reports, go to www.niu.edu/program-prioritization/.