Battle of the Sexes co-hosted event to bring more diversity
From left: James Alford, Kwamaine Williams and Samuel Owoo-Battlet practice for the Battle of the Sexes competition in Cole Hall last year.
April 18, 2016
Phi Rho Eta’s annual Battle of the Sexes is pursuing some changes this year by co-hosting with Delta Sigma Theta in hopes of bringing more diversity to their show.
The event will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center, Carl Sandburg Auditorium. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. This competition is a way to show off each sex’s ability to compete in different talent sections.
“There’s a male rapper versus a female rapper, and then it breaks off into poetry. Then it goes to dance team and then individual dancers,” said Samuel Owoo-Battlet, member of Phi Rho Eta.
The judges consist of alumni or faculty who critique each competitor to make sure the competition is fair, Owoo-Battlet said.
Each year, Battle of the Sexes improves a little more as the event comes together, said Tatyana Esper, member of Delta Sigma Theta. Esper said this is the first year the two organizations will co-host the event together.
“We want to get more diverse performances and overall competitions,” Esper said.
The event takes about two to three months to plan, Owoo-Battlet said.
“We’ve been working on getting all the details together step by step, Owoo-Battlet said.
Junior dance major Maurice Dentis said he will be rapping in Battle of the Sexes.
“I didn’t do it last year, but I hope that my performance can inspire someone else to do it next year,” Dentis said.
Delta Sigma Theta and Phi Rho Eta will open with a dance battle, and following will be a combined stroll between the groups.