Program prioritization feedback encouraged

By Northern Star staff

Editor’s note: This article was edited for AP Style. Carolinda Douglass and Matt Streb’s titles were corrected. 

NIU will have an action plan to implement program prioritization July 15 after hearing participants feedback, which is due May 23.

More than 200 people came to today’s town hall meeting to hear the next steps for program prioritization at the Holmes Student Center, Regency Room. 

NIU President Doug Baker said he encourages the audience to comment on the results of program prioritization which will be released on the program prioritization website at 3 p.m. Monday.

Carolinda Douglass, Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Development, said feedback can be submitted anonymously or directly to program leaders or through the website.

The report will contain a table of contents likely to contain an introduction, written by the Office of Provost staff, said Provost Lisa Freeman. 

The rest of report was anonymously written by task force members who identified recurring themes, general category characteristics, the creation of new programs and voluntary elimination of existing programs, followed by general comment and broad recommendations, Freeman said.

Matt Streb, Administrative Task Force Co-Chair, said he did not agree with everyone’s report but approached program prioritization as an alumni with NIU as the priority.