Five minutes with Alexis Gonzalez

Sophomore setter Alexis Gonzalez sets the ball in a game against Ball State. The Huskies have lost two straight games to the Cardinals dating back to 2014.

By Danielle Brown

Senior volleyball setter Alexis Gonzalez has continued to improve in her senior season.

Gonzalez, hailing from Fresno, Calif., recently became No. 3 in program history in assists; however, Gonzalez has been contributing much more to NIU’s volleyball team. She currently stands as the only senior on the team, leaving a great amount of leadership responsibilities on her shoulders.

“I think she’s taken a real positive step with her ability to lead and to command the court,” said head coach Ray Gooden, according to a Sept. 30 Northern Star article. “I think she for sure understands the role and what it takes to be one of the elite setters of our conference … if not the country. I think that she continues to improve and continues to learn. She’s done a good job with our group.”

In her four years at NIU, Gonzalez has yet to miss a game, starting in at least 31 games in all three of her seasons.

Q: You’ve recently moved up to No. 3 in program history in assists. How will this accomplishment push you to continue to keep up the great work?

A: Well, I’m excited to be up there with all the other elite athletes that have played here before me. None of it could be possible for anybody to be on these record books without the accomplishments or their team doing well because all of our skills coincide. You know, you can’t have one without the other. I’m just glad I’ve been graced with such great teammates and such great coaches that have been able to push us to our highest potential.

Q: What are you most excited to see your team do as the season progresses?

A: I’m just excited about the building aspect, like coming together to really kind of build as a team more than just skill wise but emotionally and mentally ‘cause it is a grind, and we do see each other a lot so that’s my favorite part.

Q: Will being moved to No. 3 in assists add any pressure on you?

A: No, I mean I know that my name is up there, but, in a game I’m never thinking, ‘Awe so and so just hit that out. Ugh, I’m not going to reach my goal.’ It’s just, I focus on the game at hand. And if I get up there then great, and if I don’t then you know I tried my best. But it’s never something that is the main focus.

Q: What would you say is the current mood of the team?

A: Determined. I think we’re always striving each practice to get a little better just from the games that we’ve played in the past to look forward to the next week, and our coach always says that we’re champions of adversity, so whatever gets thrown at us we’re determined to move forward and not make that such an issue for us.

Q: Do you have any personal goals?

A: I guess to be a better leader. Really, I just want to win honestly. I just want to win all the time. That’s basically all I can say.

The Huskies will face off against Ball State at 6 p.m. on Friday in Muncie, Ind. on ESPN3. They will face off against Toledo at 4 p.m. on Saturday in Toledo, Ohio on ESPN3 as well. With wins, NIU would improve to 8-8 on the season.