Pass, Fail: Holmes added to Greyhound route, NIU dismisses vet, K-9 housing project

By Abby Zaccaria


The addition of NIU to a Greyhound bus route between Davenport, Iowa and Chicago will make transportation to the city much easier for students.

NIU, Rochelle, Dixon and Moline were added to the route June 1. The bus will run the eastbound and westbound routes twice a day.

I think this is a great idea because it gives students an easy way to travel to other cities and go to Chicago for entertainment.


NIU missed out on a great opportunity when it rejected a proposal to house military veterans and retired service dogs in a residence hall.

Save-A-Vet, an organization that joins veterans with retired military dogs and places to live, offered to renovate Lincoln Hall with the help of other organizations so it could use the hall for housing. NIU rejected the offer on June 15.

It disappoints me that NIU rejected this proposal because I think the Save-A-Vet program is a good cause. NIU should have supported it by donating Lincoln Hall.