Aruna Project and Campus Crusade for Christ to hold Aruna 5K

By Northern Star staff

The Aruna Project and Campus Crusade for Christ will hold the Aruna 5Kat 9 a.m. April 11 outside Northern View Community, 1 North View Circle No. 115.

In-person registration starts at 8 a.m. and is $15, according to the Aruna Project website. All proceeds from the race will go to the Aruna Project to help rescue Southeast Asian women and children from sexual slavery and provide them with rehabilitation, said Sarah Johnson, Campus Crusade for Christ member.

Aruna Project members “develop relationships with women and … care for them in the context of those relationships, and through those relationships they are able to help women make good choices to leave the brothels,” Johnson said.

Contact Johnson at for more information or go to to register.