In Focus: How can the SA improve parking for students?

By Perspective Staff

Blake Glosson

One potential solution to this problem is to convert at least some of the blue parking spaces into yellow.

Aside from the lack of parking, metered parking is a flawed system — at least from the student’s standpoint. For one thing, the meters only allow you to pay for an hour. This is a problem — especially during winter months — as it’s hard for students and visitors to make it back on time from hour-long meetings, classes or events.

Maybe with the influx of revenue generated by meter parking fees, NIU can invest in functional meters.

Mohammed Taha Faridi

NIU should help students and faculty find convenient parking by reserving the lots near Barsema Hall and the Engineering Building for limited free parking during special times of the day.

The Student Association should present the idea of reserving some parking rows for free for an hour in the morning and three hours in the evening.

Angelina McNeela

While the parking lots continue to be used for long term parking, side streets like Garden Road could be restricted to 120-minute parking — the duration of a class.

Another solution for accessible parking would be to introduce temporary parking passes for everyone. If a student works in the Campus Life Building, for example, and they need to attend a one-hour meeting, they shouldn’t have to pay for the parking meters for the hour.

Carl Nadig

If one of the goals for the Student Association is fostering community relationships with the City Council then it should recommend extending parking bans on roads surrounding the campus.

NIU should provide opportunities for students to park early on campus without penalty. The roads on the eastern boarder of the Art Building, like Augusta Avenue should accommodate students who want to arrive on campus and begin working earlier than 8 a.m.

Art majors spend a lot of time working on their projects in studios. These majors need extra hours for working in the building. If these students could get an early start on their day, then it would help make their days more manageable.