Ethics Act requires employee training

By Northern Star Staff

University employees must complete ethics training by 5 p.m. Nov. 12.

The State Officials and Employees Ethics Act requires full-time and part-time, regular and temporary faculty, staff, graduate assistants, extra help and student employees to complete online ethics training. Individuals who receive an email from the Ethics Training Office must participate. Those who have not received an email or campus mail should contact Human Resources Ethics Training administrator at 815-753-6039 for assistance.

Ethics training uses modules to cover topics on conflict of interest, whistleblower protection and inappropriate use of university resources.

To access the ethics training login, go to Training should be done during work hours, and no extensions will be given.

Employees who do not comply with annual training may be fined or disciplined in accordance with the Office of the Executive Inspector General.

For more information on the training, contact Deborah Haliczer or Karen Smith at 815-753-6039. Any questions on the Ethics Act can be directed to Ethics Officer James Guagliardo at 815-753-9517 or