Alumni invited to Douglas goodbye

By Northern Star Staff

Alumni are invited to Douglas Hall’s closing ceremony on April 27. The hall will be demolished this summer.

The ceremony includes a 4 p.m. reception in the Douglas Hall cafeteria, a 5 p.m. tour and a 5:30 to 7 p.m. dinner and farewell address.

Scrapbooks for students and alumni will be available to record memories and quotes about the residence hall. Mementos for a time capsule, which will be stored in campus archives, will be accepted. Alumni are encouraged to share memories on the NIU Alumni Facebook page.

The 51-year-old residence hall will be demolished this summer to allow for an extension of Lucinda Avenue. The extension is a part of a $4.5 million project that will allow for easier access to the Convocation Center, fields and parking from campus. The project is expected to be completed by mid-November.

The event is free, but alumni must sign up to attend. RSVP to John Cheney, interim residence hall director, at