Warm weather headed to Ill.

By Colin Finnegan

Frigid temperatures and heavy snowfalls may come to an end as weather forecasts show a rise in temperature this week.

NIU meteorologist Gilbert Sebenste said the 4 inches of snow Monday had essentially “pushed the warm air south, and more snow could fall Wednesday night going into Thursday morning.”

Despite Monday’s recent snow there is a predicted high of 36 degrees today and a high of 34 degrees on Wednesday, according to the National Weather Service.

Some students — including freshman psychology major Gary Freeman — are getting more frustrated with the constant cold weather in Ill.

“I’m sick of it. I can’t wait for the sun to come out,” Freeman said.

Freeman is not the only one who hopes for a change in the weather, as freshman business major Jonathan Hope said he was “looking forward to the warm weather.”

Christopher Conrad, sophomore political science major, hopes for the snow to melt, as well.

Conrad commutes from St. Charles to DeKalb on a daily basis and the cold weather, snow and ice makes his day to day commute more stressful.

“The warm weather will make my commute a lot easier and safer,” Conrad said.